Attended "CeBit 2003" in Germany.

(Note: This software has been developed fully independent to any 2D/3D Graphics Engines or GIS toolkits, except for the fly section which has been powered by Microsoft DirectX.)
mGIS 2D Environment
Vector Engine
Mehran Hoodeh, mGIS Vector Data
mGIS provides the user an easy-to-use 2D environment containing Vector & Raster data, even combined together. Vector data are stored in a multi-layer system.
mGIS 2D Environment
Raster Engine
Mehran Hoodeh, mGIS Raster Data
mGIS supports importing satellite images to enhance the GIS data collected. There are lots of built-in image processing tools in this software to enable the user get rid of using lots of different softwares in GIS/RS.
mGIS 2D Environment
Raster & Vector Engine
Mehran Hoodeh, mGIS Raster and Vector
Both Raster & Vector data can be combined together in the 2D Graphics environment of mGIS to generate photo-maps.
mGIS 3D Environment
Mehran Hoodeh, mGIS 3D Environment
To bring the user the best visualization of the terrain model, mGIS supports working in 3D Environment. 3D Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) can be generated from Contour Line maps or from Raster DEM data. mGIS is not dependent to any 3D Graphics Engine for this facilities.
Click here, for more 3D samples from mGIS.
mGIS Image Processing Engine:
Mehran Hoodeh, mGIS Image Processing Mehran Hoodeh, mGIS Image Processing
mGIS has conventional Image Processing tools used by RS specialists.
These tools include:

- Satellite Bands Merging.
- Raster Rectification.
- Filtering Images.
- Color Classification.
- Data Fusion. (Type 1 & Type 2 )
- Relief Shading Map Scans.
- Change Detection (by Morph Process)
- I M A G I N E   3 D ®   Tool.
mGIS Earth Space Simulation
mGIS can simulate the earth space for large scale GIS/RS applications.
Click on each image to enlarge.[Click to Enlarge]  
Mehran Hoodeh, mGIS Geographic Coordinate Maps
Mehran Hoodeh, mGIS 3D Earth Space
Mehran Hoodeh, mGIS 3D Earth Space
 This one has 2 models. arrow up
Mehran Hoodeh, mGIS Persian Gulf
Click to view animated.  arrow up

Other features of mGIS:

- Supporting all databases, using MS ADO.
- Query Building & Report Generating System.
- Text Tool.
- Supporting UTM & Lambert Projection Systems.
- Semi Automated Digitizing.
Earth Mapping.
Programming in mGIS. ( mGIS-specific Scripts )
Handling Distributed Maps.
Linking Different-Scale Maps.


Analyses done in mGIS:

- Height & Slope Analysis.
- Distance, Surface & Volume Calculations.
3D Profiling.
Viewshed Analysis