3D Graphs Master
Mehran Hoodeh, 3D Graphs Master Demo  
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File size: 68 MB
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3D Graphs Master Animated Demo
This software was my first serious program written in C language and on DOS platform, in 1992. It's main purpose was to help students of math have a good visualization of their mathematical functions. It was used to accept the functions in the following forms:                                                                                                                                     
3D Graphs Master Formulas
It had an internal text editor in which user could write his/her own functions, domains, steps etc. and then it was up to the software to generate the 2D/3D shape of the formula, rotating, zooming and panning it to produce the best views.
You can also download a Demo movie of this software showing how it worked.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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